Funding for CTE programs comes from local, state, and federal dollars. State CTE funds support basic programs and Perkins V funding provides supplemental funds used to enhance classes and programs.
State and Local CTE Funding Sources
Legislative Add-On - CTE funds received from the state are based on the number of students in our CTE programs with a qualified CTE teacher.
MOE (Maintenance of Effort) - This funding is provided by DSD to support CTE programs and is based on enrollment and enrollment growth. The MOE amount is determined by the state each year.
*Legislative Add-On and MOE pay for CTE educator salaries and benefits as well as funds for supplies, materials, and equipment.Other CTE Funding Sources -
Summer Ag
College and Career Awareness
Competency-Based Skills Testing
CTSO (Career Technical Student Organizations)
WBL (Work-Based Learning)
Perkings V Funding
Perkins V is federal CTE funding and is not directly allocated to schools. Perkins Funds are allocated to Local CTE programs based on results from the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA). The CLNA is developed every two years and is designed to drive local application development and future spending decisions.
The CLNA is an opportunity to
Create programs and opportunities to ensure access and success for each student that lead to high-wage, high-skill, and in‐demand occupations.
Ensure programs of study are aligned to and validated by local workforce needs and economic priorities.
Set strategic short and long‐term goals and priorities to ensure coordinated program review and improvement processes.
Regularly engage in conversations with stakeholders around the quality and impact of local CTE Programs and Systems.
In addition to our District Perkins funding allocation, USBE provides “Special Project” grant opportunities that provide funding for program projects. If a program has large expenses/needs that cannot be met utilizing allocated funding, programs can apply for a Special Project Grant to fund needs.
School and Program Budgets
Each school will receive a CTE allocation in the fall. Each school’s CTE Coordinator will meet together with administration and CTE teachers to allocate the funds to each program based on needs. This allocation is based on the school’s CTE enrollments.