Teacher Certification

  • Teachers must be aware of the status of their respective license, endorsements, and certifications. Teachers are responsible for achieving and maintaining appropriate license and endorsement requirements.

  • Teachers should retain copies of programs or participation verification for all professional development.

  • Teachers should attend yearly professional development opportunities, with emphasis on conferences provided by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE Summer Conferences in June and UACTE Winter Conference in February).

CTE Pathway Knowledge

  • Teachers should be familiar with the CTE Pathways offered in their program.

    • Information on pathways can be found on the Utah CTE Website or our local website CTE Home Page The local website shows the state clusters and pathways, links to district and school pathway information, and fact sheets.

  • Teachers should know the pathway classification of their courses. Which course is an explorer course? Which course is a concentrator course? Which course is a completer course? What courses should students take to become a completer in the pathway(s) the program offers?

  • Teachers should have pathway information displayed in the classroom.

  • Be familiar with the school cluster (junior high and high school) vertical alignment within each pathway.


  • Teachers should plan high-quality instruction based on Utah Strands and Standards for respective courses, using approved curriculum, textbooks, and potential accompanying materials for the course(s). (See the DSD Instruction Materials webpage for information about approved materials; including textbooks, software, and audio/video resources.) 

  • Teachers should have available the appropriate tools, equipment, and supplies needed for teaching. If not, they should work with their Principal and CTE Coordinator to secure what is needed.

  • Teachers should incorporate CTSO information and experiences into the classroom instruction. Visual displays promoting CTSOs should be in the classroom. (Find more information about CTSOs through the link in the left navigation bar.)

  • Teachers should ensure the classroom is neat and uncluttered to provide an ideal and safe work environment.

  • Teachers should support school improvement and academic goals. For example, using academic and course specific vocabulary and providing reading and writing opportunities for students.

Safety Training

  • The new Wasatch North Consortium Teacher Safety Training course will be required every three to five years depending on the content area. 

  • A tracking system will be created to manage when teachers have completed the course and their rotation year after the initial course completion. This will be reviewed by each CTE District Content Specialist.  

  • New teachers will be provided with the safety and equipment maintenance training within the first 30 days of employment 

  • Our Skilled and Technical Specialist provides safety and equipment maintenance training to all new shop teachers.  

  • The Safety Inspection form is utilized to document the CTE Space inspection. 

  • An annual hazard review will be conducted b each school coordinator within the CTE classrooms in their school.

Inventory and Record Keeping

  • Teachers should have all supplies/materials/lab items secured and equipment inventoried. Inventory should be updated on a yearly basis and submitted to the CTE Coordinator. The school CTE Coordinator will then submit them to the District CTE Office.

    • Items with a cost of $100 or more per unit should be inventoried.

    • Computers should have a DSD barcode tag and listed in the STS's school inventory.

  • For Bi-Annual Program review (odd years), teachers must complete State CTE Surveys provided on-line by the CTE Director.

Skills Testing / Industry Certifications

  • Skills Certification Tests are administered at the conclusion of most CTE courses.

    • All students should be given the opportunity to take the test and earn a certification.

    • Students who pass the test with 75%-80% (different for each course) and pass the performance objectives throughout the course earn a Skills Certificate.

    • For more information, see the Skills Certification Section on the CTE Curriculum and Assessments page.

  • Participate in annual CTE Skills Certification data dive, and create goals and modify instruction based on the results.

CTE Internships

  • CTE Teachers should be proactive in promoting the district Work-Based Learning CTE Internship program.

  • Find information about the program and who to contact on our Work-Based Learning webpage. 

Funding & Budgets

  • Teachers should work with their CTE Coordinator to develop a budget that meets the needs for supplies, materials, and equipment. (See your Coordinator for a Budget Form.)

  • Fees charged to students must follow the district fee schedule policy. DSD Fee Schedule

  • Teachers should work with their CTE Coordinator if they are interested in applying for any special USBE grant funding. Grants may become available for CTSO funding and CTE Program Equipment Funding.

  • In the fall, each school will receive an allotment of State CTE Funding to be used to provide supplies and equipment for school CTE programs.

    • The allotment will be divided among school CTE programs based on program needs.

    • Items to consider could include curriculum needs, transportation, training, field trips, equipment, supplies, professional associations, equipment repairs, etc.

    • The allotment should be spent throughout the year on current needs unless Planned Carryover has been approved.

    • Money not spent will not carry over to your program the following year, unless specifically requested and Planned Carryover has been approved.

    • Work with the CTE Coordinator on purchasing supplies and equipment following district and school purchasing policies.

Transportation / Driving / Volunteers

Per district policy, CTE teachers should ensure all adults who will be volunteering or chaperoning with your program have passed a background check. 2HR-201